I received an MA in English Language and Literature (2004) from the University of Santiago de Compostela and a PhD in English Linguistics (2013). Between 2008 and 2012 I held a four-year FPI research grant (ref. BES-2008-002638) from the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation, within research project HUM2007-60706 (PI: Teresa Fanego). In September 2012 I obtained a position as Assistant Lecturer ('Ayudante') at the Department of Philology at the University of Cantabria (Spain), where I also served as Coordinator for International Relations at the Faculty of Education. Since January 2016 I have worked at the Department of English, French and German of the University of Oviedo.

I have taught Spanish at the School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences of the University of Wolverhampton (2004-2005). I also carried out research at the Universities of Freiburg (2009), Manchester (2010), and Helsinki (2012), and at the Bodleian Library (2010), on an ESSE bursary.

Further information:



H-index and Publications

  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2024). "Is legal discourse really "outside the ravages of time"? A diachronic analysis of nominalizations in British legal decisions". Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula & David Hernández-Coalla. (2023). "The Corpus of Contemporary English Legal Decisions, 1950-2021 (CoCELD): A new tool for analysing recent changes in English legal discourse". ICAME Journal 47.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula & María Obaya-Cueli. (2022). "Phrasal verbs in Early Modern English spoken language: A colloquialization conspiracy?" English Language and Linguistics 26(4): 807-831. Published in OA: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1360674322000065
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula, Tanja Säily & Jukka Suomela. (2022). "New methods for analysing diachronic suffix competition across registers: How -ity gained ground on -ness in Early Modern English". International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 27(4): 506-528. Published in OA: https://doi.org/10.1075/ijcl.22014.rod
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2021). "Nominalizations in Early Modern English: A cross-register perspective". In Corpus-based approaches to register variation, ed. by Elena Seoane & Douglas Biber, pp. 259-289. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula & Teresa Fanego. (2020). "Developing and exploiting the Corpus of Historical English Law Reports 1535-1999 (CHELAR)". Nexus AEDEAN 2020(2): 39-43.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2020). "Historical legal discourse: British law reports". In The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Approaches to Discourse Analysis, ed. by Ericson Friginal & Jack Hardy, pp. 499-517. New York: Routledge.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2020). "Register variation in word-formation processes: The development of -ity and -ness in Early Modern English". International Journal of English Studies 20(2): 147-169.
  • Pérez Lorido, Rodrigo, Carlos Prado-Alonso & Paula Rodríguez-Puente (eds.). (2020). Of ye olde English langage and textes: New perspectives on Old and Middle English language and literature. (Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature 57). Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa & Wien: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-36-31-81795-7.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula, Cristina Blanco-García & Iván Tamaredo. (2019). "Mark-up and annotation in the Corpus of Historical English Law Reports (CHELAR): Potential for historical genre analysis". Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies 41.2: 63-84.
  • Fanego, Teresa & Paula Rodríguez-Puente eds. (2019). Corpus-based research on variation in English legal discourse. (Studies in Corpus Linguistics 91). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 978-90-27-20235-2. Prizes awarded: Premio de Investigación de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada 2021.
  • Fanego, Teresa & Paula Rodríguez-Puente. (2019). "‘Why may not that be the skull of a lawyer?' English legal discourse past and present". In Corpus-based research on variation in English legal discourse, ed. by Teresa Fanego & Paula Rodríguez-Puente. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 1-21.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2019). "Interpersonality in legal written discourse: A diachronic analysis of personal pronouns in law reports, 1535-present". In Corpus-based research on variation in English legal discourse, ed. by Teresa Fanego & Paula Rodríguez-Puente. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 171-199.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2019). The English phrasal verb, 1650-present. History, stylistic drifts, and lexicalisation (Studies in English Language). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xx + 321 pp. ISBN: 978-11-07-10174-6. Prizes awarded: Leocadio Martín Mingorance Book Award 2019 for Theoretical and Applied English Linguistics; ESSE 2020 Book Award
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2018). "En busca de lo hablado en lo escrito en los corpus diacrónicos del español: una comparativa con los corpus anglosajones." e-Scripta Romanica 5: 89-127.
  • Fanego, Teresa, Paula Rodríguez-Puente, María José López-Couso, Belén Méndez-Naya, Paloma Núñez-Pertejo, Cristina Blanco-García & Iván Tamaredo. (2017). "The Corpus of Historical English Law Reports 1535-1999 (CHELAR): A resource for analysing the development of English legal discourse." ICAME Journal 41: 53-82.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2017). "Tracking down phrasal verbs in the spoken language of the past: Late Modern English in focus". English Language and Linguistics 21(1): 69-97.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2016). "Particle placement in Late Modern English and twentieth-century English: Morpho-syntactic variables". Folia Linguistica Historica 37(1): 145-175.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2014). "Colloquialization and 'decolloquialization': Phrasal verbs in formal contexts: 1650-1990". In Contact, variation and change in the history of English, ed. by Simone E. Pfenninger, Olga Timofeeva, Anne Gardner, Alpo Honkapohja, Marianne Hundt and Daniel Schreier. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 163-186.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula, Teresa Fanego, Evelyn Gandón-Chapela, Sara Riveiro-Outeiral & Mª Luisa Roca-Varela eds. (2014). Current research in Applied Linguistics: Issues on language and cognition. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 978-14-43-85354-5, 301 pp.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2013). "A turn of the screw in the semantics of phrasal verbs: Phrasal verbs with up as a test case". In Periphrasis, replacement and renewal: Studies in English historical linguistics, ed. by Irén Hegedüs & Dóra Pödör. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 243-265.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2012). "'These I had never before observed down'. A corpus-based study of phrasal verbs in Late Modern English". Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 113.4: 433-456.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2012). "Talking 'private' with phrasal verbs: a corpus-based study of the use of phrasal verbs in diaries, journals and private letters". In Outposts of historical corpus linguistics: From the Helsinki Corpus to a proliferation of resources (Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English 10), ed. by Jukka Tÿrkkö, Matti Kilpiö, Terttu Nevalainen & Matti Rissanen. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2012). "The development of non-compositional meanings in phrasal verbs: A corpus-based study". English Studies 93.1: 71-90.
  • David Tizón-Couto, Beatriz Tizón-Couto, Iria Pastor-Gómez & Paula Rodríguez-Puente eds. (2012). New trends and methodologies in applied English language research II: Studies in language variation, meaning and learning. (Linguistic Insights Series 145). Bern, etc.: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-30-34-31061-1.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2011). "Introducing the Corpus of Historical English Law Reports: Structure and compilation techniques". Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos 17: 99-120.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2010). "Phrasal verbs in Late Modern English: Evidence from ARCHER 3.1". In Analysing data > Describing variation. Proceedings of the XXVIII International Conference of AESLA, ed. by Javier Pérez-Guerra et al. Vigo: University of Vigo, pp. 865-873.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2009). "The effects of lexicalization, grammaticalization and idiomatization on phrasal verbs in English: some combinations with get as a test case". In New trends and methodologies in applied English language research. Diachronic, diatopic and contrastive studies, ed. by Carlos Prado-Alonso, Lidia Gómez-García, Iria Pastor-Gómez & David Tizón-Couto. (Linguistic Insights Series 103). Bern, etc.: Peter Lang, pp. 71-85.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2009). "Is there a prototypical phrasal verb? On the relationship between phrasal verbs and the processes of grammaticalization, lexicalization and idiomatization". In Applied linguistics now: Understanding language and mind, ed. by Carmen M. Bretones Callejas et al. Almería: Universidad de Almería, pp. 1671-1680.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. (2009). "How to define a phrasal verb? Testing the validity of structural criteria for the identification of phrasal verbs". In New perspectives on English studies (Proceedings of the 32nd AEDEAN International Conference), ed. by Marián Amengual, María Juan & Joana Salazar. Palma: Edicions UIB, pp. 604-610.


Corpus compilation

  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula & David Hernández-Coalla. (2022). Corpus of Contemporary English Legal Decisions, 1950-2021 (CoCELD). Oviedo: University of Oviedo. ISBN: 978-84-09-37922-4.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula, Teresa Fanego, María José López-Couso, Belén Méndez-Naya, Paloma Núñez-Pertejo, Cristina Blanco-García & Iván Tamaredo. (2018). Corpus of Historical English Law Reports 1535–1999 (CHELAR), v.2. Santiago de Compostela: Research Unit for Variation, Linguistic Change and Grammaticalization, University of Santiago de Compostela. ISBN: 978-84-09-07633-8.
  • Rodríguez-Puente, Paula, Teresa Fanego, María José López-Couso, Belén Méndez-Naya & Paloma Núñez-Pertejo. (2016). Corpus of Historical English Law Reports 1535-1999 (CHELAR). University of Santiago de Compostela: Research Unit for Variation, Linguistic Change and Grammaticalization, Department of English and German. ISBN: 978-84-60-88006-6.

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