Sara Albán Barcia has a BA in Foreign Languages with specialisation in English Linguistics (2015) from the University of Vigo, and an MA in Advance English Studies and Its Applications (2016) from the University of Vigo (Interdisciplinary Programme with the University of Santiago de Compostela and the University of A Coruña).

For her MA dissertation, entitled “Transliteration and Analysis of a Late Middle English Manuscript: Pricke of Conscience MS 50”, she studied the said medieval manuscript from a linguistic perspective and with a specific focus on palaeography and dialectal variation (supervisor: Dr. Nuria Yáñez Bouza, University of VIgo). This MA dissertation contributes to work carried out by undergraduate students in the Department of Linguistics and English Language at the University of Manchester (supervised by Prof. David Denison), under the auspices of the project In the Bigynnyng led by The John Rylands Library, Deansgate, and The University of Manchester Library.

Her PhD dissertation continues her research on the poem Prick of Conscience turning attention to the analysis of palaeography. Entitled "Manuscripts of Prick of Conscience: Variation in Late Middle English Palaeography", it examines five different manuscripts from different regional areas with regard to handwriting, abbreviations, decoration and other scribal practices. She is working under the supervision of Dr. Nuria Yáñez Bouza (Universidade de Vigo) and her dissertation will also contribute to the above-mentioned project In The Bigynnyng from the University of Manchester.

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Lecturer, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
(+34) 986812083