Listening to the Voices That Count: LVTC research seminars
- 19 March 2025, 16:00 (online), Sara Albán-Barcia.
- May 2025, Elizaveta Smirnova.
- June 2025, Mar Nieves-Fernández.
Previous seminars
12 February 2025, David Hernández-Coalla: "Collective-verb agreement: Predictors across recent diachrony" (chair: Yolanda Fernández-Pena)
29 January 2025, Celia Veiga-Pérez: "Methodological challenges in pronunciation research" (chair: Esperanza Rama-Martínez)
5 June 2023, Pablo Vilas-Santamaría: "The clausal complementation of ADMIT in PostColonial Englishes: Preliminary findings and future directions" (chairs: Elena Seoane & Cristina Suárez-Gómez) [link to recording]
11 May 2023, Osmer Balam: "Code-switching and morphosyntactic innovation in Northern Belize: A cross-generational perspective" (chair: Carmen Parafita-Couto) [link to recording]
23 March 2023, Elizaveta Smirnova: "A multidimensional analysis of academic discourse: hard vs soft sciences" [link to recording] (chair: Javier Pérez-Guerra)
15 February 2023, David Hernández-Coalla: "A preliminary approach to non-standard pronouns in English" (chairs: Javier Pérez-Guerra & Paula Rodríguez-Puente)
26 January 2023, Ivo Boers: "Code-switched plural nouns within and across language pairs" (chair: Carmen Parafita-Couto) [link to recording]
1 December 2022, Mar Nieves-Fernández: "The status of the velar nasal sound /ŋ/ in eighteenth-century spoken English" (chairs: Esperanza Rama-Martínez & Nuria Yáñez-Bouza)
7 November 2022, Fred Alyaqout: "Predicting pitch prominence in tri-constituent compound nouns: A speech perception and production analysis (chairs: Esperanza Rama-Martínez & Rosalía Rodríguez-Vázquez)
14 June 2022, Yolanda Fernández-Pena: "Fragments: Constructionalising non-canonical expressions in written Present-Day English" (chair: Javier Pérez-Guerra)
12 May 2022, Emily Weidle (Dortmund University): "Varieties of English and multilingualism: performing culture and identity through language and the new media" (chair: Elena Seoane)
20 April 2022, Laura Abalo-Dieste: "Identifying colloquialisation strategies in contemporary English: A corpus-driven study" (chair: Yolanda Fernández-Pena)
23 March 2022, Itziar Bermejo Freijo: "Actitudes, percepciones y prácticas lingüísticas en el ayuntamiento de Pontevedra" (chair: Miguel Cuevas-Alonso)
21 February 2022, Carlos J. Lindade Rodrigues: "An overview on how ELT coursebooks promote teaching pronunciation in Portugal" (chair: Esperanza Rama-Martínez)
25 January 2022, Pablo Vilas-Santamaría: "'I admit I need feedback': Clausal complementation in inner and outer circle varieties" (chairs: Elena Seoane & Cristina Suárez-Gómez)
11 November 2021, Sara Albán-Barcia: "One manuscript, five artefacts: Variation in late Middle English palaeography" (chair: Nuria Yáñez-Bouza)
26 October 2021, Heidi Douglas: "English as a Lingua Franca and its repercussions on English Language Teaching" (chair: Elena Seoane)
14 October 2021, Sandy Tatiana Soto Armijos: "Primary and secondary school EFL teachers as researchers in Ecuador: Policy makers demands and teachers readiness" (chair: Dolores González-Álvarez) [link to recording]
14 July 2021
Claudia de la Iglesia Sanjuán: "Attitudes towards non-standard varieties of English by Spanish EFL University students"
Yazmín Lisseth Pinto Sánchez: "L1 influence on L2 intonation patterns in Ecuadorian students of EFL: The case of interrogative utterances"
(chair: Rosalía Rodríguez-Vázquez)
2 June 2021, Raquel P. Romasanta: "The predicting power of geographical location in syntactic variability across World Englishes" (chair: Elena Seoane)
5 May 2021, Carla María Míguez Álvarez: "Comprensión lectora y metacomprensión en el alumnado de educación primaria. Avances en la investigación en lengua española" (chair: Miguel Cuevas-Alonso)
7 April 2021, Celia Veiga-Pérez: "The learning context (SA vs. AH) and the perception of English vowel sounds" (chair: Nuria Yáñez-Bouza)