I have a BA in Foreign Languages (2017) from the University of Vigo and was honoured with the Premio Extraordinario de Grao (Best Degree Student Award).
In November 2016, I was awarded a scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Education (Beca de Colaboración) to work as a research assistant in the Department of English, French and German of the University of Vigo (from November 2015 to June 2016).
Also at the UVigo I completed an MA in Secondary School and Language Education (2018), with an MA dissertation entitled Posta en Práctica dunha Metodoloxía Motivadora: Unha proposta de intervención educativa para 3º de ESO.
In 2020, I was under contract carrying out research on ICE-Gibraltar and World Englishes for ViEW. In particular, I transcribed and codified texts for ICE-GBR and updated information on our social media.
In 2021, I was awarded a three-year predoctoral grant from Xunta de Galicia to work on my PhD dissertation about non-categorical variation in the complementation patterns of ADMIT in World Englishes, under the supervision of Elena Seoane and Cristina Suárez-Gómez.